Map: Rangpur District |
Rangpur district in northern Bangladesh is one of
the traditional towns. From the earliest times, this district is glorious and
varied history. About 80 percent of the river's flood plains and 0 percent of
the land is in the parent. According to the law of Mughal-e-Akbari
administrative area consisted of 3 types of Rangpur. In 1687 the Mughal
Ghoraghate a criminal headquarter is placed. Kakina was the same place,
kajirahata, Fatehpur, and 4 years later in 1711 AD under the Mughals. The
Mughal Empire was founded in Rangpur 18th century Mughal history until the
early Mahiganje aratemana did not change anything. East India Company in 1765
after a civil Rangpur new system comes under the jurisdiction of the English.
The first peasant revolt broke out in 1765 in Rangpur region.
The naming of Rangpur: Rangpur naming of the final solution still
did. Some of the Mahabharata Jyotisapurera Prague at the Rangpur district
Bhagadatte’s color and the color is the name of the Rangpur district. According
to some Payarabatira, Bhagadattera’s daughter was named after the women's
movement Begama Rokeya’s Pairabond home. Some factories was built in folding
clothes or the color of one's shirt and his place has been called ranrejapura
Rangpur Rangpur (Rajshahi).
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